Maintaining Eye Health In The Workplace


2,000 Workplace Eye Injuries Each Day Each day, about 2,000 US workers sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical attention. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, about one-third of these injuries require treatment in hospital emergency departments and more than 100 of these injuries result in one or more days…

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Woman worker with safety glasses

Are Premium IOLs Worth It?


If you are preparing for cataract surgery, then you need to think about what your vision will be like after. There’s more to cataract surgery than removing cataracts from your eyes. The lens must also be fully removed and then replaced with an IOL. Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are synthetic devices. They’re made from silicone or…

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Happy couple outside

How Does LASIK Work?


Most people know that LASIK involves lasers, but not everyone knows what the lasers do. How are surgeons able to correct your vision in minutes when you’ve spent a lifetime with poor eyesight? The answer is simpler than you may think! Keep reading to find out more about how LASIK works! A Brief History of…

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Young woman wearing glasses outside

Introducing the Light Adjustable Lens™ by RxSight


The First and Only Lens Adjusted Specifically for Patients AFTER Cataract Surgery! Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS, medical director of Frantz EyeCare, is pleased to announce the addition of the Light Adjustable Lens™ and Light Delivery Device to the premium cataract treatments offered to patients at Frantz EyeCare. The unique feature of this system is…

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Glaucoma: The Silent Thief Of Sight


Primary open angle glaucoma affects millions worldwide, with the current estimate in the United States approaching 3.4 million. Despite these high numbers, many people have no idea that they are losing sight from high eye pressure. Primary open angle glaucoma is slowly progressive and painless making yearly eye exams critical for detection. This form of…

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Woman having her eyes examined

Can Cataracts Come Back?


Dealing with cataracts and surgery is difficult, but what if your cataracts grow back? Well, not exactly. It is impossible for cataracts to “grow back”. Cataracts grow inside of the lens of the eye. During cataract surgery, the lens is completely removed. Keep reading to learn more about cataracts and cataract surgery! Cataract Surgery Removing…

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Happy couple outside

What Are My Laser Vision Correction Options?

laser vision correction

There’s little doubt that you have heard of LASIK. It is by far the most popular form of laser vision correction. What not everyone realizes is that it is not the only option available. There is a range of ways to achieve quality vision without the need for glasses through safe and tested procedures. Keep…

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Woman working on a laptop computer

What To Know About LASIK Before You Have It


LASIK is a procedure that enhances your vision so you no longer need glasses or contacts to see. It is extremely popular and only getting more so. This is due to one simple reason: LASIK works. In fact, of the millions of people who have already gotten the surgery, over 96% of them love the…

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