How Do You Know if LASIK Surgery is Right for You?


At this point, most people are familiar with LASIK surgery. And most people have considered LASIK at some point and wondered if it is right for them. “Will it hurt? Can I even afford it? Is it worth the risks involved?” These may be just some of the questions that you have asked yourself. And…

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5 Tips for Living with Cataracts


Living with cataracts impacts nearly every area of your life. Routine activities like driving, reading a book, and going to the grocery store are impacted and become more challenging. Adjusting to these problems can be tough, but there is a way. Although managing your cataracts symptoms can be hard, it is far from impossible. Many…

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5 Benefits of Getting LASIK this summer


Summer is almost here and most people are looking forward to fireworks, vacations with their family, and lazy afternoons at the pool. But have you considered giving yourself the gift of better vision this summer? LASIK is a procedure that has improved the lives of many people around the world. Imagine not having to worry…

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What Is Presbyopia and How Is It Treated?


It is a natural fact of life that everybody ages and things that used to be easy become more difficult. This is definitely true for your vision because as you age, you are at higher risk for vision problems and developing common eye diseases. The word “presbyopia” literally translates to “old eye”, and it is…

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5 Common Signs That You’re Developing Cataracts


You use your eyes for driving, reading, playing with your children, and many other daily activities. Your vision is one of the greatest gifts you have but many people take it for granted until they lose it. Of course, many people don’t realize they’re losing their vision for a long time. Understanding the symptoms of…

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Is the KAMRA Inlay Right For Me?

laser vision correction,optical services

The KAMRA inlay procedure is not very well-known. When people think of vision correction surgery, the first thing that comes to mind is LASIK. LASIK is a popular and widely-performed laser eye surgery used to correct refractive errors like astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia. But it does not address vision issues caused by presbyopia, a condition…

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How to Take Care of Yourself After LASIK

laser vision correction,lasik

LASIK surgery is a safe procedure that can be performed in the space of an hour. You can enter a doctor’s office needing glasses and contacts and ditch your lenses that same day. But just because LASIK is a routine procedure, doesn’t mean people are not required to take proper postoperative care of their eyes….

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How KAMRA Inlay Helps You Age Gracefully

laser vision correction

Unlike many conditions, vision over 40, technically termed presbyopia, is unavoidable. You can develop issues with your near vision as you get older even if you’ve never needed corrective lenses. While the thought of reading glasses may seem daunting after a lifetime of never needing to so much as squint, accepting presbyopia is one part…

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4 Excellent Post-KAMRA Reads on Happy and Healthy Aging


Aging can be both a blessing and a curse. The positives are fantastic: you have a lifetime of experience, memories, and wealth to enjoy in your golden years. On the downside, there are stiff joints, aching muscles, and of course, worsening vision. Thankfully, a proper diet, physical activity, and regular visits to your optometrist or…

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