living with cataracts

Living with cataracts impacts nearly every area of your life. Routine activities like driving, reading a book, and going to the grocery store are impacted and become more challenging. Adjusting to these problems can be tough, but there is a way.

Although managing your cataracts symptoms can be hard, it is far from impossible. Many people learn how to manage their cataracts and live a full life. Here are five tips for managing your cataracts symptoms:

  • Take extra care when driving

If your cataracts symptoms are severe, they will impact your ability to drive. Nighttime driving can be especially challenging since the light from streetlamps can cause a glare, making it hard to see. You should check with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to continue driving. You may need to develop a plan for safe transportation in the future.

  • Elicit help from family and friends

You shouldn’t feel like you have to bear this burden alone. Often, family members and friends would be happy to help out with household tasks. This will be especially helpful in the beginning as you are first learning how to manage your blurry vision.

  • Stay up-to-date on your comprehensive eye exams

It is important to always stay on top of your eye exams but this is especially important when managing a condition like cataracts. Your ophthalmologist will be able to track any changes to your vision and help determine the best time for surgery. They will also be able to recommend lifestyle changes that may slow the progression of cataracts.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Fresh produce contains nutrients that are vital to maintaining healthy eyes. This cannot cure or stop cataract development, but some studies have shown that a healthier lifestyle may slow progression. Plus, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help the rest of your body stay in top shape as well.

  • Explore all treatment options

There are temporary treatment options available for cataracts patients (such as glasses and other visual aids) but ultimately, cataract surgery is the only cure. You should continue to discuss this option with your doctor so you can decide when cataract surgery is right for you.

Living with cataracts does not mean that you can’t have an active and rewarding life. It simply means you need to take precautions and take care of your health. Contact us today for more information on living with cataracts or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Frantz!