5 Reasons You Should Consider Refractive Surgery

lasik,Visian ICL

Having clear vision is a primary factor that contributes to how free and confident you feel in life. It allows you to navigate the world and enjoy memorable sights.  That’s why people wear glasses and contacts. Glasses and contacts both accomplish the same thing: they correct refractive errors.  A refractive error is when the shape…

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Young woman at home

Could the Visian ICL Be Right For You?

Visian ICL

There’s no denying that LASIK is the most popular form of vision correction, but it is not your only option. And there’s a chance it might not even be the best fit for you. There are alternatives to LASIK that similarly enhance your eyesight. Some of these include PRK, refractive lens exchange, and SMILE. Another…

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Girl drinking a glass of water