The Protective Window Of The Eye
The Cornea not only functions to keep things out of your eye that do not belong in it, but it also provides three-quarters of the focusing power to the eye.
By nature, the cornea is built for toughness! For example, if you ever experience a corneal abrasion (i.e. a scratch or slight injury from debris), the cornea has the ability to self-repair minor damage within hours or a couple of days. There are more serious injuries such as ultraviolet or chemical burns that can severely damage the corneal tissue and potentially cause vision loss. It is imperative that you contact an eye care professional immediately if you have injured your eye(s) or are experiencing unusual redness, pain, or vision loss.
Keratoconus is a condition that occurs when the cornea becomes too thin and bulges outward into a cone shape over time. This condition most commonly occurs in individuals under the age of 30, and it typically impacts both eyes – but not necessarily equally.
What Causes Keratoconus?
While the cause of keratoconus is not fully known, genetic and environmental factors can play a role in the progression of the condition. For example, keratoconus is more prevalently seen in people who are Latino or Black, but it is also more likely to occur in individuals with Down Syndrome, Marfan Syndrome, Retinitis Pigmentosa Syndrome, etc., as well. Individuals who are prone to nature-triggered allergy challenges tend to rub their eyes aggressively and could inadvertently contribute to the progression of keratoconus.

Is There An Effective Treatment For Keratoconus?
Patients who have been diagnosed with keratoconus have several treatment options available:
- Corrective Contact Lenses or Glasses are usually the first step in treatment
- Hard Contact Lenses which can be beneficial for patients who suffer from dry eye
- Scleral Lenses which rest on the white of the eye offering corneal stability
- CXL – minimally invasive cross-linking stimulates corneal collagen fibers to strengthen corneal tissue
- Intracorneal C-shaped ring segments can flatten the shape of the cornea and help it to refract light better
- Corneal Transplant (but only in advanced cases)
While there is no cure for keratoconus, the symptoms can be managed effectively through adherence to the treatment plan recommended by our Frantz EyeCare specialist.

A Pterygium is a fleshy, wedge-shaped growth on the cornea of the eye. This elevated growth of elastic and connective tissue typically begins at the inner corner of the eye extending towards the center of the eye.
How Does A Pterygium Form?
A pterygium results from an abnormal process in which the conjunctiva grows directly onto the cornea. The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the white portion of the eye (the sclera).
The exact reason why pterygia occur is not fully understood; however, long term exposure to ultraviolet light and chronic irritation from dry conditions seem to contribute to their development. Pterygia are three times more likely to occur in men than in women due to occupational environments that tend to expose men to harsher climates.
What Is The Difference Between A Pterygium And A Pinguecula?
A Pinguecula is a thickening of the conjunctiva on either side of the eye. It appears as a yellowish or white lump and is composed of benign material such as fat or degenerated tissue.
Unlike a pterygium, a pinguecula never grows onto the cornea and is separated from the cornea by normal tissue. In most cases, a pinguecula will not create noticeable symptoms; however, it may become reddened or irritated by smoke, dust, or wind. Some burning or stinging can occur with environmental irritation.
Are There Treatment Options For Both Conditions?
These abnormal growths on the surface of the eye are not usually severe, but in the case of a pterygium, an individual can experience blurred vision if the pterygium grows large enough to interfere with the center of the cornea. If vision becomes threatened, a pterygium can be surgically removed.
In most scenarios, a pinguecula does not require treatment other than drops to clear redness and irritation. A pinguecula might be unpleasant looking, so it can be surgically removed for cosmetic reasons. However, a pinguecula will not interfere with an individual’s vision.

Corneal Ulcers
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea that has developed as a result of a serious infection. The infection can be bacterial, viral, or fungal, but the ulcer can also develop as a result of trauma to the cornea.
Can A Corneal Ulcer Be Treated Without Surgery?
Initially, most corneal ulcers are treated topically but with a prescribed regimen that should absolutely be adhered to:
- Antimicrobial Eye Drops/Antibiotics to prevent further infection
- Corticosteroid Eye Drops to reduce redness and inflammation
- Eye Patch to protect the injured area from further damage
- Pain Management (over the counter)
- Cyanoacrylate Corneal Glue to seal corneal apertures
In severe cases, an advanced corneal ulcer might necessitate a corneal transplant. Our specialist will recommend this surgery on behalf of a patient who has no other alternative to restore their vision.
Corneal Transplant
A corneal transplant (aka Keratoplasty or a corneal graft) is a surgical procedure that removes irreparably damaged corneal tissue and replaces that tissue with a donor’s healthy eye tissue. The healthy tissue is the same measurement as the damaged tissue.
Our surgical specialist will determine what kind of corneal transplant is required on a case by case basis. Transplant options include:
PK (Penetrating Keratoplasty)
Full thickness graft of the entire cornea.
DALK (Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty)
Only removes corneal tissue that impacts the middle stroma layer.
EK (Endothelial Keratoplasty)
Replaces only the damaged endothelial/inner layer of the cornea.
An artificial or prosthetic cornea transplant can be performed if a patient is either not a candidate for a traditional transplant or has previously experienced a transplant rejection.
Our Specialists at Frantz EyeCare use the Femtosecond Laser to perform Keratoplasty procedures that create precise and customized incisions, reduce risk, and limit damage to endothelial cells.
The advanced technology and skilled surgeons at Frantz EyeCare always prioritize compassionate patient care and quality outcomes first, and we are available to answer any questions you may have concerning your cornea health.