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There are more vision correction procedures than just LASIK. You have many options to choose from, and you should consider all of them before committing to a life-changing procedure.

One procedure that is less well-known than LASIK, but can be just as effective, is SMILE. Despite its name, SMILE is a vision correction procedure that has nothing to do with dental care!

The name is a pseudo-acronym, spelling out SMall Incision Lenticule Extraction. Keep reading to learn more about SMILE

SMILE Creates A Smaller Incision

SMILE fixes your eyesight through similar means as LASIK, although the method is very different. Both surgeries correct refractive errors by altering the shape of your cornea.

Your corneas are responsible for focusing most of the light that passes through your eye. LASIK reshapes your corneas by removing specific amounts of tissue from the middle layer of your cornea after your surgeon creates a flap in the top layer.

This flap gets closed at the end of the procedure and has a short recovery time. SMILE takes this one step further. It creates an opening in your cornea smaller than 4mm, which is smaller than the incision in LASIK.

A special laser then creates a sheet of corneal tissue inside the cornea called the lenticule. The lenticule gets removed through the tiny incision, which results in a new corneal shape.

Since the incision is so much smaller than LASIK, recovery time is even shorter after SMILE. Plus, there is no risk of flap complications because there is no flap, just a tiny incision.

SMILE Patients Usually Need Fewer Enhancements

LASIK is a very effective procedure. But sometimes, people need follow-up procedures or enhancements to achieve the best results.

SMILE has better chances of optimal results on the first try for people with exceptionally high degrees of nearsightedness. That means you can spend more time out of the clinic, enjoying your eyesight, instead of returning for enhancements after your initial procedure.

SMILE is Better For Active People

Since there is no flap created during the SMILE, you can get back to being active sooner than with LASIK. This is perfect for summer sports and fun!

Vision Results From Both Are Almost Identical

SMILE produces extremely similar results to LASIK for visual acuity. This means you won’t be sacrificing results for ease of the SMILE experience.

Why Would I Choose SMILE Over LASIK?

SMILE is less invasive than LASIK, so it may seem to be an upgrade to the procedure. But there are some significant limitations to SMILE.

For instance, SMILE can only correct myopia or astigmatism accompanied by myopia. SMILE will not work on patients with farsightedness or standalone astigmatism.

The only way to know for sure if SMILE is right for you is to have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist. After that, you can decide which procedure is best for you.

Schedule an appointment at Frantz Eyecare in Ft. Myers, FL. There is a vision correction procedure that is right for you. Come find out how you can achieve visual freedom this summer!