Eye Procedure Restores Near Vision and Reduces Dependence on Reading Glasses

It is estimated that nearly 114 million people in the United States are struggling with the frustratingly natural eye condition called presbyopia.  Typically occurring in those over 40, presbyopia reduces the ability of the eye to focus on near objects, causing blurry reading vision. An advanced surgical procedure to treat this condition is now available at Frantz EyeCare. The KAMRA™ inlay has helped thousands restore their near vision and reduce the constant frustrations of reading glasses.

“As we see more and more patients looking for a solution for reading glasses, we often get questions about effective treatments to improve near vision,” said Frantz EyeCare Medical Director Jonathan Frantz, MD.  “The KAMRA inlay offers an excellent option for the correction of presbyopia with minimal compromises and inconveniences that come with other treatment options.  I am excited to offer the number one prescribed corneal inlay in the world to our patients,” added Frantz.

The KAMRA inlay sits in the first few layers of the eye known as the cornea. Smaller and thinner than a contact lens, the inlay is a mini-ring with an opening in the center. By using this pinhole effect, the inlay focuses light coming into your eye. This restores near vision while maintaining distance vision without blurry zones.

“For those who are experiencing presbyopia symptoms, such as trouble reading small print on cell phones and prescription labels, I recommend making an appointment to see your primary eye doctor for a complete eye examination,” said Frantz. “An eye doctor can provide a proper diagnosis and discuss long-term treatment options, such as KAMRA inlay, which provides a natural range of vision from near to far.”

About Presbyopia

Presbyopia, a frustratingly natural eye condition, reduces the ability of the eye to focus on near objects. This condition occurs when the crystalline lens of the eye loses its flexibility, making it difficult to focus on close objects. Presbyopia may seem to occur suddenly, but the actual loss of flexibility takes place over a number of years, usually becoming noticeable in the early to mid-40s. Presbyopia is not a disease and it cannot be prevented. In the past, presbyopic patients had to rely on reading glasses or monovision to improve their near vision. Both alternatives have significant compromises.

To find out if the KAMRA inlay is right for you, Dr. Frantz recommends asking your eye doctor some of the following questions:

  • Do I have presbyopia or some other condition?
  • What are my presbyopia treatment options?
  • Are there options other than reading glasses and contact lenses?

For more information on presbyopia and the KAMRA inlay or to make an appointment at the main office call at 239.418.0999 or click here.