If you love reading, you may find that as you get older, it gets harder and harder to do. You may find yourself holding your books far away from your face just to get them in focus. Don’t forget how annoying it is when you need to read something, but you can’t find your reading glasses. If you’re fed up and frustrated, the KAMRA Inlay has the ability to give you your sight back.
Don’t panic if you’ve never heard of the KAMRA procedure. KAMRA is meant for people who have experienced near vision loss (presbyopia) as they get older and find reading more difficult. For people in their forties, it may become more and more difficult to focus on objects that are nearby. As we age, our eyes get older with us, resulting in gradual vision loss. Presbyopia is typically corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery like the KAMRA Inlay. However, using glasses is only a temporary solution, since your eyes will continue to lose flexibility as your prescription changes. Contacts are another option, but not a permanent solution either, as they are disposable and have to be bought by the box. KAMRA Inlay is one of the only permanent presbyopia correction devices, and may get rid of your reading glasses for good.
The KAMRA Inlay Procedure
The KAMRA Inlay procedure is quick and painless. First, you’ll be given numbing drops, leaving you only able to feel a slight pressure during the procedure. Dr. Frantz will then use a laser that creates a small pocket in the cornea, establishing a space for the KAMRA device to lay. The newly inserted inlay is then put in the small opening. The KAMRA Inlay is only placed into one eye, ensuring that patients can see better both close up and far away. After the procedure, you may experience sensitivity to light or excessive tearing, both of which will go away within a week or so.
After surgery, most patients find themselves able to go back to work within 24-48 hours. Though it depends on the individual, many people after their presbyopia correction surgery find that their vision is improved in the first week, with full results varying with each patient. It is common for KAMRA Inlay to take longer, and your vision may fluctuate within the first three to six months, but it does go away. To assist in the recovery process, don’t use reading glasses after the surgery and make sure to make all of your post-op follow up appointments. If your presbyopia correction surgery doesn’t give you the results you were looking for, it is completely reversible, and can be removed during an additional surgery.
Does a presbyopia correction surgery like the KAMRA Inlay seem like the next step on your vision journey? Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Jonathan Frantz to learn more about the KAMRA Inlay and whether it’s right for you.