If you work for a company that offers flexible spending accounts, be sure to talk to your benefits manager about using your savings for services offered at Frantz EyeCare.

“We encourage our patients to use their flexible spending accounts, which allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars for certain medical costs, including LASIK laser vision correction, eyelid surgery, eye exams, replacement contact lenses, glasses, sunglasses, and optical accessories. We also offer Care Credit financing plans for these services,” said Frantz EyeCare Medical Director Dr. Jonathan Frantz.

LASIK, which corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, continues to provide a greater degree of freedom from glasses and contact lenses for millions of active people in our area. What’s different about 100 percent blade-free iLASIK, which is offered exclusively in our area by Frantz EyeCare, is that it utilizes IntraLase, where a beam of laser light is used to create the corneal flap, the critical first step in the iLASIK procedure. iLASIK is tailor-made for the patient’s vision and the unique characteristics of their eyes.

Why not make an appointment now for a personal consultation with Frantz EyeCare LASIK Specialist Jeffrey Robin, MD. The practice’s laser vision coordinator will also help you learn about the procedure and how much it will cost. That way, if LASIK surgery is not in your budget for this year, you’ll have some idea of how much money to put into your flexible spending account for LASIK surgery next year. In 2013, the IRS changed the FSA carryover rules to allow participating employees to carry over up to $500 in unused funds at the end of the year into their next year’s FSA. Check with your human resources department to find out if the FSA carryover is part of your plan and if there are other savings accounts available to you, such as health savings accounts (HSAs), a tax-advantaged medical savings account available to employees enrolled in a high-deductible health plan.

Call Frantz EyeCare at 239.791-2020 or fill out the online appointment request form to schedule your LASIK consultation.